My Winter contribution


This winter I looked for a charity that I could volunteer for that cooks meals for the homeless. To me, food was an important factor in my decision as eating tackles a couple of issues faced by people in need of the service; it fills their stomach but also gives them somewhere warm, to rest and socialise for a couple hours when many of them have been isolated and lonely. I wanted to come during the week but because of my commute, I settled for weekends.


This charity has projects throughout London as well as around the country. They have partnerships with most supermarket chains and on specific days, food which is either damaged or just about to go off is made available for the ‘chefs’ from the local branch to come and collect. On Sunday I joined the Kings Cross branch and headed off to Marks and Spencer’s and Waitrose. The latter very kindly leant us a trolly as there was so much food to collect. And yes I did take it back after as i live just around the corner.

Foodcycle LSE

The kings cross branch is slightly different as it specifically welcomes homeless people with aids and HIV. Their is a regular crew of 25 people who come twice a week. They have all participated in a year long cooking course to enjoy the privilege of this kitchen so all know each other very well. It makes for a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

The Menu

Once the food was laid out, the first challenge was creating a meal with such a huge assortment of ingredients. The brain storming began and I now know what the Master Chef contestents feel like! Claire and I decided to go on the mains and make creamy leeky, potato and broccoli quiche with some green beans. We even made the pastry! I’d say it was easy but we just finished it with a few minutes to spare and just before the awaiting crowd started heckling.

Can’t wait to do it again!

I tasted some of the quiche myself and thought it was ok…not great pastry but we made a good effort. The real pleasure was walking out and getting thank you’s and compliments… and I decided on the spot that I will be coming again soon.

How does it make you feel to cook for others?

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